Grants and Contributions

About this information

In June 2016, as part of the Open Government Action Plan, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) committed to increasing the transparency and usefulness of grants and contribution data and subsequently launched the Guidelines on the Reporting of Grants and Contributions Awards, effective April 1, 2018.

The rules and principles governing government grants and contributions are outlined in the Treasury Board Policy on Transfer Payments. Transfer payments are transfers of money, goods, services or assets made from an appropriation to individuals, organizations or other levels of government, without the federal government directly receiving goods or services in return, but which may require the recipient to provide a report or other information subsequent to receiving payment. These expenditures are reported in the Public Accounts of Canada. The major types of transfer payments are grants, contributions and \'other transfer payments\'.

Included in this category, but not to be reported under proactive disclosure of awards, are (1) transfers to other levels of government such as Equalization payments as well as Canada Health and Social Transfer payments. (2) Grants and contributions reallocated or otherwise redistributed by the recipient to third parties; and (3) information that would normally be withheld under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.

Found 46 records


Oct 11, 2023

Aboriginal recipient


T'Sou-ke First Nation DND/CAF Reconciliation Grant Application

Duration: from Oct 11, 2023 to Mar 31, 2024

T'Sou-ke First Nation overall goal of this project is to develop specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timebound measures to promote and achieve T’Sou-ke First Nation and DND/CAF reconciliation interests and objectives.

Organization: National Defence
Program Name: Indigenous Reconciliation Program
Location: Sooke, British Columbia, CA

Not-for-profit organization or charity


Knowledge Keepers Participation in an Inuvialuit Community Meeting

Duration: from Oct 4, 2023 to Mar 31, 2024

Paying Inuvialuit elders/knowledge keepers for their time and expertise to attend the community meeting where DND/consultant will present the results of an environmental clean-up conducted at a former site in 2022

Organization: National Defence
Program Name: Indigenous Reconciliation Program
Location: Inuvik, Northwest Territories, CA

Not-for-profit organization or charity


The Expert Series (Podcast/Report/Panel/Blog series)

Duration: from Jun 6, 2023 to Jun 6, 2024

Funding will support a year-long, weekly interview program offering analysis and discussion on defence, security and foreign policy.

Organization: National Defence
Program Name: Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS)
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, CA K1P 5E7

Not-for-profit organization or charity


The Cadet Leagues’ mandate is to put in place a highly effective volunteer association framework in order to support their purpose which is to facilitate youth access to the Cadet Movement across Canada and support the three main aims of the Cadet Program, namely to develop the attributes of good citizenship and leadership in young Canadians, promote physical fitness and stimulate the interest of youth in sea, land and air activities.

Organization: National Defence
Program Name: Grant Program to the National Office of the Cadet Leagues of Canada
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, CA K1Z 7T1

Not-for-profit organization or charity


The Cadet Leagues’ mandate is to put in place a highly effective volunteer association framework in order to support their purpose which is to facilitate youth access to the Cadet Movement across Canada and support the three main aims of the Cadet Program, namely to develop the attributes of good citizenship and leadership in young Canadians, promote physical fitness and stimulate the interest of youth in sea, land and air activities.

Organization: National Defence
Program Name: Grant Program to the National Office of the Cadet Leagues of Canada
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, CA K1Z 7T1

Not-for-profit organization or charity


The Cadet Leagues’ mandate is to put in place a highly effective volunteer association framework in order to support their purpose which is to facilitate youth access to the Cadet Movement across Canada and support the three main aims of the Cadet Program, namely to develop the attributes of good citizenship and leadership in young Canadians, promote physical fitness and stimulate the interest of youth in sea, land and air activities.

Organization: National Defence
Program Name: Grant Program to the National Office of the Cadet Leagues of Canada
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, CA K1Z 7T1


Apr 1, 2023

Aboriginal recipient


Arctic360 Annual Conference Pre-Conference Inaugural Project Workshop: Closing the Gap to Security and Prosperity in the Canadian North: Interactive Mapping Tool

Duration: from Apr 1, 2023 to Mar 31, 2024

The Workshop will convene the Project’s Arctic 360 Steering Committee (Northern and Indigenous businesses and leaders, Northern industries, private sector, Indigenous youth), Project Advisory Board, Annual Conference Indigenous youth participants, Arctic360 youth Fellows, additional relevant annual conference participants, and project leaders to Initiate the Interactive Mapping Project with existing and new Project Network Members.

Organization: National Defence
Program Name: Indigenous Reconciliation Program
Location: Toronto, Ontario, CA M4E 2R6

Aboriginal recipient


Assembly of First Nations Yukon Region Project Initiation

Duration: from Apr 1, 2023 to Mar 31, 2024

The Assembly of First Nations Yukon Region aim to respond to the Procurement, Continental Defence and NORAD Modernization, and Arctic Defence and Sovereignty MINDS Policy Challenges by engaging directly with Yukon First Nations to seek their perspectives on key questions presented by these challenges.

Organization: National Defence
Program Name: Indigenous Reconciliation Program
Location: Whitehorse, Yukon, CA Y1A 0E7


Apr 1, 2023

Aboriginal recipient


Ongoing Consultation with DND on Dakota Tipi Ancestral Lands - Old Sioux Village

Duration: from Apr 1, 2023 to Mar 31, 2024

Ongoing Consultation with DND on DakotaTipi Ancestral Lands - Old Sioux Village

Organization: National Defence
Program Name: Indigenous Reconciliation Program
Location: Dakota Tipi, Manitoba, CA R1N 3X6


Apr 1, 2023

Aboriginal recipient


Funding for 3rd Party Support to K'ómoks First Nation in Relation to Goose Spit Leaseback Process

Duration: from Apr 1, 2023 to Mar 31, 2024

The purpose of this project is for KFN to be able to fully understand the methodology and outcomes of Public Service and Procurement Canada's contracted approach to the Market Analysis for Goose Spit DND infrastructure and leased lands. KFN is seeking to engage 3rd party professionals to review the report(s) on KFN's behalf.

Organization: National Defence
Program Name: Indigenous Reconciliation Program
Location: Courtenay, British Columbia, CA V9N 3P9