Grants and Contributions
About this information
In June 2016, as part of the Open Government Action Plan, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) committed to increasing the transparency and usefulness of grants and contribution data and subsequently launched the Guidelines on the Reporting of Grants and Contributions Awards, effective April 1, 2018.
The rules and principles governing government grants and contributions are outlined in the Treasury Board Policy on Transfer Payments. Transfer payments are transfers of money, goods, services or assets made from an appropriation to individuals, organizations or other levels of government, without the federal government directly receiving goods or services in return, but which may require the recipient to provide a report or other information subsequent to receiving payment. These expenditures are reported in the Public Accounts of Canada. The major types of transfer payments are grants, contributions and \'other transfer payments\'.
Included in this category, but not to be reported under proactive disclosure of awards, are (1) transfers to other levels of government such as Equalization payments as well as Canada Health and Social Transfer payments. (2) Grants and contributions reallocated or otherwise redistributed by the recipient to third parties; and (3) information that would normally be withheld under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.
Mar 23, 2018
2018 Humanitarian Response West Bank & Gaza: Ensuring Access to Basic WASH Services
7388026 P002788006
Mar 27, 2019
For-profit organization
Humanitarian Response to Populations in Need of Food Security and WASH - MA’AN 2019
7404022 P006585006
With GAC’s support, the MA’AN Development Centre (MA’AN) is helping to improve the resilience and food security of agricultural households in the West Bank, including agriculture-dependent women-headed households.
Mar 28, 2019
Not-for-profit organization or charity
MA'AN/Together: Towards Gender-Responsive and Empowering Education for Children
7404555 P006558001
The project aims to improve the quality of education for children, especially girls, enrolled in the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) primary schools in the West Bank and Gaza. Project activities include: (1) training primary school teachers in gender-responsive, child centered play-based teaching methods; (2) training counsellors and physical education teachers in play-based methods to deliver psychosocial support and life skills/leadership activities; (3) training school principals and education officials on gender equality, child protection policies and principles, and services for students and families victims of abuse; and (4) rehabilitating school facilities to be more gender-responsive. The primary beneficiary population of this project are 1,230,000 refugee girls and boys attending 370 UNRWA schools in the West Bank and Gaza.
Jan 17, 2014
Mar 31, 2016
Multi-year contribution agreement for fiscal years 2013/14 to 2016/17. Amendment in the amount of $2,611,939.
Apr 1, 2021
Not-for-profit organization or charity
Harbourfront Centre Operational Support 2021-2026
Harbourfront Centre
Apr 1, 2019
Harbourfront Centre Operational Support
Harbourfront Centre
Apr 1, 2019
Harbourfront Centre Operational Support
Harbourfront Centre
Apr 1, 2021
Not-for-profit organization or charity
Harbourfront Centre Operational Support 2021-2026
Harbourfront Centre
Apr 1, 2019
Not-for-profit organization or charity
Harbourfront Centre Operational Support
Harbourfront Centre