Grants and Contributions
About this information
In June 2016, as part of the Open Government Action Plan, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) committed to increasing the transparency and usefulness of grants and contribution data and subsequently launched the Guidelines on the Reporting of Grants and Contributions Awards, effective April 1, 2018.
The rules and principles governing government grants and contributions are outlined in the Treasury Board Policy on Transfer Payments. Transfer payments are transfers of money, goods, services or assets made from an appropriation to individuals, organizations or other levels of government, without the federal government directly receiving goods or services in return, but which may require the recipient to provide a report or other information subsequent to receiving payment. These expenditures are reported in the Public Accounts of Canada. The major types of transfer payments are grants, contributions and \'other transfer payments\'.
Included in this category, but not to be reported under proactive disclosure of awards, are (1) transfers to other levels of government such as Equalization payments as well as Canada Health and Social Transfer payments. (2) Grants and contributions reallocated or otherwise redistributed by the recipient to third parties; and (3) information that would normally be withheld under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.
Apr 1, 2023
Not-for-profit organization or charity
Canadian Meat Council Global Market Advocacy Strategy
This project aims to support the Canadian Meat Council identify and address trade challenges and market access issues to ensure a continued growth of trade for the Canadian red meat industry.
Apr 1, 2021
Not-for-profit organization or charity
Canadian Meat Industry Global Market Advocacy Strategy
The objective of this project is to ensure the continued growth of trade for the Canadian red meat industry by successfully advocating and collaborating on common trade challenges and opportunities.
Apr 19, 2018
Not-for-profit organization or charity
Canadian Meat Industry Global Market Advocacy Strategy
The objective of the project is to build relationships with international export markets, to perform market research and industry-to-industry trade advocacy and policy development, with incoming, outgoing and exploratory missions, and expert real-time support for missions.
Sep 12, 2012
Feb 6, 2013
Feb 12, 2010
Apr 2, 2018
Not-for-profit organization or charity
Canada Pork, Market Intelligence and International Market Meat Secretariat
The objective of this project is to convince Canadian end-users to use Canadian pork, to provide market information to pork industry members in order to improve decisions as well as to exchange information and develop working relationship with the world meat industry.
Apr 4, 2019
Not-for-profit organization or charity
Made-In Canada Hog Price
The objective of this project is to gain a better understanding of what determines hog prices in domestic markets and develop a set of market indicators that could be used to create a "Made-in-Canada" price for live hogs and pork meat (carcass cut-out).
Jul 13, 2018
Not-for-profit organization or charity
AAC Participation in the Arctic Council
7393184 P006227001
Funding to support the Arctic Athabaskan Council's (AAC) participation in the Arctic Council
Apr 1, 2021
Not-for-profit organization or charity
National Pork Marketing, Market Intelligence and International Meat Secretariat
The objective of this project is to support the National Pork Marketing activities to increase domestic pork consumption and value, and encourage end users to use Canadian pork.