Grants and Contributions:

Catayst Grant: Community-Led Res. on LGBTQIA/2S Wellness - Large-scale projects
Agreement Number:
Agreement Value:
Agreement Date:
Mar 1, 2022 - Feb 28, 2023
The specific objective of this funding opportunity is to generate and share knowledge that will achieve one or more of the following: Improve understanding of barriers to and opportunities for positive physical, social, and mental health outcomes for LGBTQIA/2S individuals, families and communities whose health is impacted by the intersections of their sexual orientation, gender, race/ethnicity, experiences of racism, and/or additional intersecting social identities, positions and processes, including but not limited to ableism, age, classism, disability, faith, heterosexism, homophobia, immigrant and/or refugee status, Indigeneity, language, transphobia and xenophobia. Inform the implementation and/or sustainability and scale-up of new or existing community-based interventions to improve health and wellness for LGBTQIA/2S communities from an intersectional perspective. Evaluate the reach, effectiveness, and benefits of community-based interventions to improve health and wellness for LGBTQIA/2S communities from an intersectional perspective.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Expected Results:

This program provides funding for targeted grants and awards aimed at addressing priority areas. Priorities are identified by CIHR in consultation with other government departments and agencies, partners and stakeholders. The program mobilizes researchers, patients, health providers, and decision makers to conduct research, enable knowledge translation and build capacity in the priority areas. It often requires collaboration within and across sectors.

Toronto, Ontario, CA M5A 4K2
Reference Number:
Agreement Type:
Report Type:
Grants and Contributions
Recipient Business Number:
Recipient Type:
Not-for-profit organization or charity
Recipient's Legal Name:
Egale Canada, .
Research Organization:
Eagle Canada (Toronto)
Research in Priority Areas
Program Purpose:

This program provides funding for targeted grants and awards aimed at addressing priority areas. Priorities are identified by CIHR in consultation with other government departments and agencies, partners and stakeholders. The program mobilizes researchers, patients, health providers, and decision makers to conduct research, enable knowledge translation and build capacity in the priority areas. It often requires collaboration within and across sectors.