Grants and Contributions:

CALASET-NXT: Evolving a payload for atmospheric laser absorption spectroscopy
Agreement Number:
Agreement Value:
Agreement Date:
Mar 27, 2024 - Mar 31, 2027
The Canadian Atmospheric Laser Absorption Spectroscopy Experiment Test-bed (CALASET) aims to build a suite of instruments to verify measurements from Earth observing satellites. Ensuring that these space-based instruments are performing well is critical for producing reliable environmental data for Canadians. The CALASET-NXT project goals are two-fold: Develop new technologies for studying the changing atmosphere and providing a validation and verification capability for current and future satellite missions, and provide concept-to-flight education and training for the students who will become the scientists and engineers needed for future satellite missions.
Canadian Space Agency
Expected Results:

The Research component of the program provides financial support to organizations to conduct space related research
and development in priority areas. It will support targeted knowledge development and innovation to sustain and enhance the Canadian capacity to use space to address national needs and priorities in the future.

Toronto, Ontario, CA M5S 1A7
Reference Number:
Agreement Type:
Report Type:
Grants and Contributions
Recipient Type:
Additional Information:

The amount allocated covers more than one fiscal year.

Recipient's Legal Name:
University of Toronto
Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology
Program Purpose:

This program supports knowledge development and innovation in the CSA's priority areas while increasing the awareness and participation of Canadians in space-related disciplines and activities.

The Research Component aims to support the development of science and technology; foster the continual development of a critical mass of researchers and highly qualified people in Canada; and support information gathering and space-related studies and research pertaining to Canadian Space Agency priorities.