Grants and Contributions:

SHOW Balloon payload development for HAWC mission validation
Agreement Number:
Agreement Value:
Agreement Date:
Mar 27, 2024 - Mar 31, 2027
The Canadian federal government has announced that Canada will be a major international partner in the NASA Atmosphere Observing System (AOS) satellite mission through the contribution of a system of three innovative satellite instruments collectively called HAWC (High-altitude Aerosol, Water Vapour and Clouds). One of these three satellite instruments is called SHOW (Spatial Heterodyne Observations of Water). This project aims to develop a dedicated balloon-borne SHOW (Spatial Heterodyne Observations of Water) instrument and demonstrate the utility of this prototype for HAWC satellite mission validation with a test flight on a stratospheric balloon. This project will enable the training of several highly qualified personnel (HQP). SHOW as part of the HAWC Mission will advance understanding of how water vapour is evolving in response to climate change and the impact of that change on weather climate.
Canadian Space Agency
Expected Results:

The Research component of the program provides financial support to organizations to conduct space related research
and development in priority areas. It will support targeted knowledge development and innovation to sustain and enhance the Canadian capacity to use space to address national needs and priorities in the future.

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CA S7N 5E2
Reference Number:
Agreement Type:
Report Type:
Grants and Contributions
Recipient Type:
Additional Information:

The amount allocated covers more than one fiscal year

Recipient's Legal Name:
University of Saskatchewan
Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology
Program Purpose:

This program supports knowledge development and innovation in the CSA's priority areas while increasing the awareness and participation of Canadians in space-related disciplines and activities.

The Research Component aims to support the development of science and technology; foster the continual development of a critical mass of researchers and highly qualified people in Canada; and support information gathering and space-related studies and research pertaining to Canadian Space Agency priorities.