Grants and Contributions:

Advancing National Adaptation Planning in Developing Countries
Agreement Number:
7416373 P006569001
Agreement Value:
Agreement Date:
Feb 6, 2020 - Mar 31, 2024
This project is a part of a multi-donor, global initiative that aims to reduce vulnerability to climate change for women and men, by improving the quality and integration of gender equality into national adaptation planning and action (a process that facilitates the integration of climate change adaptation into relevant new and existing policies) in developing countries. Projects activities include: (1) providing long and short-term in-country technical assistance; (2) facilitating peer-learning events between government policy-makers; and (3) developing and disseminating knowledge development and policy analysis. The project also works to improve the capacity of government actors and other stakeholders, particularly in small island developing states and in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Global Affairs Canada
Expected Results:

The expected outcome for this project is the improved effectiveness and gender-responsiveness of National Adaptation Plan processes in selected small island developing states and Sub-Saharan African countries.

Winnipeg, Manitoba, CA R3B 0T4
Reference Number:
Agreement Type:
Report Type:
Grants and Contributions
Recipient Business Number:
Recipient Type:
Not-for-profit organization or charity
Additional Information:

The value of the agreement is changed to $5,000,000 CAD, The end date is changed to 2024-03-31.

Amendment Date
Feb 2, 2022
Recipient's Legal Name:
IISD - International Institute for Sustainable Development
Federal Riding Name:
Winnipeg Centre
Federal Riding Number:
International Development Assistance Program
Program Purpose:

The main purpose on the International Development Assistance Program is to reduce poverty for those living in countries where Global Affairs Canada engages in international development.
