Grants and Contributions:
Improving equitable access to quality sexual and reproductive health and rights for adolescents
Agreement Number:
7458261 P012704001
Agreement Value:
Agreement Date:
Jul 9, 2024 - Mar 31, 2029
The project aims to improve the sexual and reproductive health and rights of adolescent girls in Tanzania’s Mainland and Zanzibar. Project activities include: (1) increasing awareness and access to quality sexual reproductive health services, including improved family planning services; (2) increasing the knowledge and skills of adolescents, especially girls, to negotiate for sexual and reproductive health rights, and improve the knowledge, attitudes and skills of communities to promote positive gender and social norms; (3) strengthening sexual and gender-based violence preventive and responsive measures; (4) integrating nutrition-focussed services and awareness in sexual and reproductive health services; and (5) building the capacity of government and women- and youth-led organizations to advocate for, develop, and coordinate adolescent sexual reproductive health services. It also increases the knowledge and skills of government staff, health workers, health administrators, teachers, and community leaders in collecting and using data to continually improve the quality of sexual and reproductive health and related services. The project aims to directly reach 394,542 girls and boys through school- and health facility-based interventions, 153,891 community level interventions, and 727,400 boys and girls through media interventions.
Global Affairs Canada
Expected Results:
The expected outcomes of this project include: (1) increased use of sexual and reproductive health and rights information and services; (2) increased ability of adolescent girls and boys to claim their sexual and reproductive health and rights; and (3) enhanced enabling environment for adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights.
New York, US
Reference Number:
Agreement Type:
Report Type:
Grants and Contributions
Recipient Type:
Not-for-profit organization or charity
Recipient's Operating Name:
UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund
Recipient's Legal Name:
Federal Riding Number:
International Development Assistance Program
Program Purpose:
The main purpose on the International Development Assistance Program is to reduce poverty for those living in countries where Global Affairs Canada engages in international development.