Grants and Contributions:

Achieving Interoperability Between Agencies: Collaboration in Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) Operations for Search and Rescue
Agreement Number:
The PSIMS agreement number: 22019
Agreement Value:
Agreement Date:
Jun 16, 2021 - Jun 30, 2024
The project will enhance capacity to integrate and operate existing RPAS BLVOS through national standardized information and training for the achievement of BVLOS authorization and subsequent operation in SAR functions.
Public Safety Canada
Expected Results:

A steering committee, newly established community of practice for beyond visual line of sight authorization and operations; initial networking and better understanding of the multiplicity and complementarity of roles of the different partners. Long-term outcomes include the database of BVLOS operators across organization types, a community of practice; policy and learning of SAR agency members and SAR supporting organizations and RPAS operators; a national standards, national training; information materials; forms that industry can easily use to help keep the information up to date in the future considering changing technology.

Ottawa, Ontario, CA K1S 5R7
Reference Number:
Agreement Type:
Report Type:
Grants and Contributions
Recipient Business Number:
Recipient Type:
Not-for-profit organization or charity
Additional Information:

File Number: EM-9101-22019

Recipient's Operating Name:
Association canadienne des chefs de pompiers
Recipient's Legal Name:
Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs
Federal Riding Name:
Ottawa Centre (Ontario)
Federal Riding Number:
SAR NIF - Search and Rescue New Initiatives Fund
Program Purpose:

SAR NIF provides annual funding for projects that will improve the National Search and Rescue Program. SAR NIF projects must address at least one of the National SAR Program Annual Priorities.