Grants and Contributions:
The Mizinatik Digital Arts Centre will develop a series of four short videos, podcast/radio show series, posters and brochures related to SAR prevention teachings and tools to stay safe outdoors. These outcomes will specifically occur upon completion of the first year of the project. Intermediate Outcomes: Upon the completion of the second year, The Mizinatik Digital Arts Centre will create a website, engage with social media outlets, and develop a school package that is incorporated in a larger distribution plan where the Mizinatik Digital Arts Centre will engage in SAR-related activities locally, regional and nationally. Long Term Outcomes: The long term outcome of the project is the implementation of a SAR initiative that is focused on partnership and engagement with Indigenous Communities, particularly amongst Indigenous youth in light of upcoming road and infrastructure developments that will connect northern and southern regions.
File number: EM-9101-22756
SAR NIF provides annual funding for projects that will improve the National Search and Rescue Program. SAR NIF projects must address at least one of the National SAR Program Annual Priorities.