Grants and Contributions:

From Awareness to Action: Economic Security through Reproductive Autonomy
Agreement Number:
Agreement Value:
Agreement Date:
Jul 22, 2024 - Mar 31, 2026
Through this 20-month systemic change project, Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights will advance women and 2SLGBQTI+ people's economic security and prosperity by addressing financial and health systems barriers to accessing birth control and full productive health care services. While strengthening their reproductive autonomy, increased access to these services will enable them to make informed decisions about their lives, thereby fostering their economic empowerment. Activities will include developing and implementing a policy reform framework and a public engagement campaign; creating tools and resources; hosting skills-building sessions for local and regional stakeholders to engage in policy advocacy; developing and implementing a system to monitor policy and practice changes on abortion and contraception; adapting resources and approaches as needed; and sharing methods and findings with partners. The project will nurture advocacy networks, enabling groups to collaborate and coordinate their efforts in challenging and removing barriers within their communities and local institutions. A focus on local engagement will ensure that advocacy efforts are relevant and responsive to specific regional needs, fostering coalition infrastructures that drive systemic change. Ultimately, the project will contribute to creating a sustainable impact by empowering communities to advocate for and achieve equitable access to essential reproductive health services. An external evaluator will measure and assess the impact of the systemic change project.
Women and Gender Equality Canada
Expected Results:

Women and stakeholders have access to supports to address issues relating to equality between women and men.

Ottawa, Ontario, CA K2P 1X3
Reference Number:
Agreement Type:
Report Type:
Grants and Contributions
Recipient Type:
Not-for-profit organization or charity
Recipient's Legal Name:
Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights
Women's Program
Program Purpose:

The purpose of the Women’s Program is to advance equality for women in Canada by working to address or remove systemic barriers impeding women’s progress and advancement. The WP supports the Government of Canada’s goal of advancing gender equality in Canada. It is consistent with Government of Canada priorities related to economic prosperity, and supports Canada’s international commitments related to gender equality.