National Action Plan on Open Government Commitment

C01.1.2 - Climate Change and Sustainable Growth

Climate Change and Sustainable Growth
Through the Open Science and Data Platform make information related to cumulative effects, including climate change and sustainable growth, easier for people in Canada to find and understand
C01.1.2 - Provide accessible science-based educational content on 10 key topics (air, biodiversity, climate, cumulative effects, development activities, economy and industry, health, land, society and culture, and water), which may be supported by interactive maps
Lead Organization:
Natural Resources Canada
By 2023
Summit for Democracy:


Evidence of progress:

While this milestone was completed last quarter, static content has been enhanced as part of the November update (Release 8) of OSDP via the Learn about Development Activities page. Each of the six development activities – Agriculture, Energy, Fisheries, Forestry, Mining, and Transportation – now feature a curated search with relevant datasets. By clicking on a development activity, users are redirected to the explore page where relevant datasets are pre-loaded to the map viewer.

Evidence of progress:

While this milestone was completed last quarter, static content has been enhanced as part of Release 8 via the Learn about Development Activities page. Each of the six development activities – Agriculture, Energy, Fisheries, Forestry, Mining, and Transportation – now feature a curated search with relevant datasets. By clicking on a development activity, users are redirected to the explore page where relevant datasets are pre-loaded to the map viewer.

Evidence of progress:

Completed 2023-03.

Evidence of progress:

As a part of Release 7, six enhanced static content pages – Learn about Cumulative Effects; Cumulative Effects Assessment, Monitoring, and Management; Air; Biodiversity; Climate; and Water – were updated.

These themed Cumulative Effects pages – Air, Biodiversity, Climate, and Water – were each enhanced to include updated narrative describing each topic as it relates to cumulative effects, as well as an embedded interactive map showing key datasets on each page to further educate the user on information relevant to the topic.

The Learn about Cumulative Effects page feature the Government of Canada Interim Message on Cumulative Effects and a video from Environment and Climate Change Canada showing a visual description of cumulative effects using water quality as an example. These pages serve to educate Canadians on the importance and complexities of cumulative effects.

Substantial progress
Evidence of progress:

Preparation for Release 7 of the Open Science and Data Platform continued through last quarter with a focus of ensuring all new content that was ready for public launch of Release 7 January 17, 2023, including the six new static content pages. Throughout last quarter, the six static content pages – Learn about Cumulative Effects; Cumulative Effects Assessment, Monitoring, and Management; Air; Biodiversity; Climate; and Water – were translated to French and reviewed. These themed Cumulative Effects pages – Air, Biodiversity, Climate, and Water – were each enhanced to include updated messaging describing each topic as it relates to Cumulative Effects, as well as an embedded interactive map showing key datasets on each page to further educate the user on information relevant to that Valued Component topic accessible through the OSDP. The Learn about Cumulative Effects page was enhanced to feature the new What Are Cumulative Effects? video from Environment and Climate Change Canada, as well as linking to the Government of Canada Interim Message on Cumulative Effects. These pages serve to educate Canadians on the importance and complexities of Cumulative Effects.

Substantial progress
Evidence of progress:

At the time of public launch in March 2021, the Open Science and Data Platform provided access to science based educational content on six key topics relevant to cumulative effects, climate change and sustainable growth, including air, water, biodiversity, climate, human health, and cumulative effects. Since that time, an additional four pages were developed and published on other relevant topics including land, economy and industry, development activities and society and culture. These educational pages include information about key facts and concepts and provide tools to render data and information more accessible. For example, each page features an interactive map viewer to visualize highly relevant data and an automated search tool to assist discovery of content, including scientific publications, relevant to the topic. Recent updates include publishing of the Society and Culture page in January 2022 which features information about Indigenous Peoples and language and enhancements to the Health page in May 2022 to highlight newly onboarded Health Canada data, including Environmental Radiation Monitoring data. The originally developed pages – including climate change, water, air, and biodiversity – were identified in summer 2022 as needing updates to reflect newly available data and more relevant and current information. Enhancements to these evergreen pages will continue over time during the next quarter to ensure the most current information and science is made openly accessible with the goal to inform, inspire, and motivate the user to further explore the Platform to inform their understanding, research or projects.

Enhancements to static content have been ongoing throughout August and September 2022. Working collaboratively with ECCC and subject matter experts, static pages have been revised to reflect available OSDP data and current state of knowledge government messaging. Pages revised include Learn about Cumulative Effects landing page and the linked Cumulative Effects Assessment Monitoring and Management page, as well as the static pages for Air, Biodiversity, Climate, and Water. Each of the cumulative effects topics pages (i.e., Air, Biodiversity, Climate and Water) will also feature curated interactive map products featuring relevant datasets to their respective topics to provide users more opportunities to interact and engage with OSDP data. Final approvals for the revised pages will be sought in October to ensure deadlines are met for the pages to be publicly accessible by January 2023, as part of the next release of OSDP.