National Action Plan on Open Government Commitment
C04.3.3 - Justice
- Commitment:
- Justice
- Milestone:
- Advance legal literacy and empowerment
- Indicator:
- C04.3.3 - Release Five forthcoming online courses on Bill C-78 (family violence, relocation, family dispute resolution and the duties of the parties, parenting and, interjurisdictional support)
- Lead Organization:
- Department of Justice Canada
- Deadline:
- By Summer 2023
- Summit for Democracy:
- No
The Department is working on public legal education materials on the amendments to the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act, particularly those relating to income disclosure, some of which came into force in November 2023 while others will come into force in November 2024. These materials will include a fact sheet, a checklist for professionals, guides for applicants, webinars, and an online course. Some of these materials are expected to be published by the end of December 2024 and others later in 2025. The Department also started offering information sessions to courts and family law professionals upon request.
No new updates this quarter.
No new updates this quarter.
The Department is working on Public Legal Education materials on the amendments to the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act, particularly those relating to income disclosure, which came into force in November 2023. These materials will include a fact sheet, a checklist for professionals, webinars, and an online course. Some of these materials are expected to be published in early 2024 and others later in the year. The Department also started offering information sessions to courts upon request.
Recent publication online of the Divorce Act Changes Explained Part II contains information for legal professionals on the 1996 and 2007 Conventions.
Working towards a possible Winter 2024 release of online materials for professionals on the amendments to the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act, particularly those relating to income disclosure, which will include a fact sheet and an online course.
Recent publication online of the Divorce Act Changes Explained Part II contains information for legal professionals on the 1996 and 2007 Hague Conventions.
The online materials for professionals on the amendments to the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act are being developed.
No new updates for this quarter.
Two new online fact sheets - Changes to the Divorce Act Explained for Educators and for Healthcare Professionals were posted on the Justice Canada website in November. In addition, the updated Parenting Plan Tool was posted on the Justice Canada website in December. The Official Language Rights under the Divorce Act fact sheet is also available on line.
Regulatory amendments, which are the basis for the online materials for professionals on the amendments to the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act, are being finalized and work has begun to develop the materials.
Course published: Interjuridictional support proceedings under the Divorce Act.
Substantial progress toward completion of online fact sheet on the Official Languages provisions in Bill C-78.
Substantial progress toward completion of final English language draft of materials for legal professionals on the 1996 and 2007 Hague Conventions
Regulatory amendments, which are the basis of the online materials on the amendments to the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act, are still being finalized.
Courses published:
Family violence and family law for legal advisers course
Family dispute resolution and duties for parties to a proceeding and legal advisers under the new Divorce Act
Relocation under the Divorce Act
Parenting under the new Divorce Act
HELP Toolkit: Identifying and Responding to Family Violence for Family Law Legal Advisors
Substantial progress toward completion of online fact sheet on the Official Languages provisions in Bill C-78. Expected timeline for publishing on the Justice Canada website is fall 2022.