Open Government Portal
This dataset identifies the geographic locations of marine ports, terminals, shipyards, and harbours on the west coast of British Columbia. …
Cabin and back country camp sites located within Cascade, Cathedral and E.C. Manning Provincial Park
The Shorezone Biobanding Lines are a linear representation of the various types of biota (flora and fauna) and their distribution, …
Guide Outfitter Existing Cabins for the Kootenay Region (qgotcbr4)
Modeled data showing the likely distribution of California sealions. CRIMS is a legacy dataset of BC coastal resource data that …
Holds historical data for mineral and placer, claims and leases, as well as, coal license applications, licenses and leases within …
All wetland polygons for the province
TAWILDLIFEMGMTAREASSVW contains the spatial representation (polygon) of the areas under the administration and control of the …
Zones that represent areas of homogeneous hydrologic and geomorphological characteristics
This is a spatial layer that reflects operational activities for harvesting authorities. The harvesting authority is a legal area cleared …