Open Government Portal
Labour force characteristic estimates by age group, sex, and visible minority group.
Employment estimates by class of worker, sex, and visible minority group.
Number of days lost per full-time employee in a year, by National Occupational Classification (NOC) and sex, last 5 years.
Number of employees by province, economic region and National Occupational Classification (NOC), last 5 months.
Number of employees by census metropolitan areas and National Occupational Classification (NOC), three-month moving average, unadjusted for seasonality.
Number of employees by hourly wage distributions, National Occupational Classification (NOC), type of work and sex, last 5 months.
Number of employees by weekly wage distributions, National Occupational Classification (NOC), type of work and sex, last 5 months.
Number of employees working overtime (weekly) and average overtime hours by National Occupational Classification (NOC), sex and age group, last …
Average hourly and weekly wage rate, and median hourly and weekly wage rate by National Occupational Classification (NOC), type of …
Number of employed persons by job tenure, National Occupational Classification (NOC) and sex, last 5 months.