Open Government Portal
Black carbon is a short-lived, small aerosol (or airborne) particle linked to both climate warming and adverse health effects. It …
Tenure Areas are geographic administrative areas named for local features and used to group petroleum and natural gas Land Plats …
It is established under the authority of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Grid Regulation. It is defined by a set …
Associated oil and gas activities are related activities which require the use of Crown land and require an authorization under …
It is established under the authority of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Grid Regulation. It is defined by a set …
BC Offshore Petroleum Grid (lines), 1:50,000 NTS grid blocks covering Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver Island
It is established under the authority of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Grid Regulation. It is defined by a set …
It is established under the authority of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Grid Regulation. It is defined by a set …
Information in this volume comes from prospectors, exploration and government geologists, mining companies and students who are willing to contribute …
The study was initiated to enhance the research of the hydrocarbon potential of the Peel region that had begun in …