Open Government Portal
Quarterly data on zero-emission vehicle registration by fuel type, vehicle type and number of vehicles, Canada, the provinces, census metropolitan …
The dataset was developed in concert with the Wildlife Directive for Alberta Wind Energy Projects and Wildlife Directive for Alberta …
Crown timber charges are composed of: 1. stumpage price 2. Forestry Futures Trust charge 3. Forest Renewal Trust charge The …
Electric power selling price index (EPSPI). Monthly data are available from January 1981. The table presents data for the most …
Data presented on renewable plant statistics by supply and disposition characteristics (e.g., production, shipments, inventories ). Not all combinations are …
Monthly primary and secondary energy by fuel type in terajoules (coal, natural gas, electricity, etc.) and supply and demand characteristics …
Generation, receipts and deliveries of electric power, including deliveries and receipts to and from other provinces, as well as the …
Electricity generation by class of electricity producer (electric utilities, electricity producers, industries, etc.) and type of electricity generation (hydroelectric, combustible …
Successful applicants of the 2017-2019 Solar for Community Buildings Program, that enables eligible community groups and organizations to generate solar …
Natural Resources Canada’s Major Projects Inventory published annually, provides a snapshot of major natural resource projects in Canada that are …