Open Government Portal
This dataset contains information on all Government of Canada award notices published according to the Financial Administration Act. It includes …
Payments issued to contractors for construction contracts
over $100,000 managed by PSPC.
Info Source describes the programs and activities, and the information holdings related to programs and activities, of government institutions subject …
The third generation of high resolution 10-m wetland inventory map of Canada, covering an approximate area of one billion hectares, …
The 2019 amended Fisheries Act (FA) contains a provision that will require DFO to have a public facing Registry to …
Water temperature and water level are significant environmental factors affecting ecology of anadromous fish. Large-scale freshwater monitoring networks remain sparse, …
The Program Management Committee (PMC) is the formal accountable decision-making body for the Human Capital Management Office around HR and …
This dataset represents the population growth rate for the Communications Security Establishment.
This dataset represents the population age breakdown for the Communications Security Establishment.
This dataset represents Employment Equity and First Official Languages representation for the Communications Security Establishment