Open Government Portal
Quarterly data on Canada's international investment position by sector and type of portfolio investment and other investment. Positions are evaluated …
Adult correctional services, operating expenditures for provincial, territorial and federal programs, provinces, territories and federal jurisdiction, five years of data.
This table contains 27 series, with data starting from 1981 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This …
Weekly Itinerant aircraft movements (domestic, transborder and international), total of all Canadian airports with NAV CANADA towers.
This table contains 6 series, with data starting from 1999 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This …
This table contains 39 series, with data for starting from 1991 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). …
Each year the Premier participates in a number of Intergovernmental Forums. These include the Council of the Federation (COF, which …
Hourly ambient nitrogen oxides (NOx, NO2, NO) data in parts per billion from provincial ambient air quality monitoring stations across …