Open Government Portal
Interchanges are shown on the Official Road Map of Ontario (ORM) as information for the travelling public. This feature class …
The ministry monitors air pollution levels and issues smog advisories when there is strong likelihood that widespread, elevated, and persistent …
This dataset contains a list of drainage superintendents who are appointed by the local municipality to manage drains constructed under …
This Ontario Hydro Network (OHN) small scale dataset is intended for cartographic and web mapping display purposes, not for analytical …
A tank is an above ground container that holds either petroleum or water. This data is no longer being updated. …
This data set includes information on sampling locations and physical conditions in lakes and streams across Ontario. It also includes …
Geographical information about Licensed Lab and Specimen Collection Centres. These include all of the hospital laboratories, private laboratories, laboratories in …
Contains 2 datasets: * lower and single tier municipalities * upper tier municipalities and districts.
A list of Ontario courthouses and their latitude and longitude coordinates.
This spatial dataset represents the boundaries of areas designated under the Aggregate Resources Act, R.S.O 1990 where a licence or …