Open Government Portal

Original Data

Update of the original Accessibility Acton Plan published in November 2022.

Last Updated: Apr 24, 2024
Date Published: Apr 22, 2024
Publisher: Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Formats: HTML
Keywords: accessibility action plan
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Guiding principles
ACOA’s duties under the act
Disability – what is it?
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Last Updated: Dec 14, 2023
Date Published: Dec 12, 2023
Publisher: Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Formats: HTML
Keywords: accessibility report action plan

Staffing Update Report: April 2022- September 2022

Last Updated: Feb 7, 2024
Date Published: Mar 29, 2023
Publisher: Public Service Commission of Canada
Formats: DOCX HTML
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Accessibility Action Plan of Women and Gender Equality Canada

As a federal organization, WAGE is committed to fulfilling the requirements …

Last Updated: Dec 30, 2022
Date Published: Dec 30, 2022
Publisher: Women and Gender Equality Canada
Formats: HTML PDF
Keywords: accessibility action plan barrier-free inclusive accessible

Veterans Affairs Canada’s Accessibility Action Plan 2022-2025:
Table of contents
1.0 General
1.1 Introduction message
1.2 Process for receiving and …

Last Updated: Mar 3, 2023
Date Published: Mar 3, 2023
Publisher: Veterans Affairs Canada
Formats: HTML
Keywords: accessibility accessible Veterans Affairs Canada action plan Veterans Affairs Canada Accessibility Action Plan 2022-2025 persons with disabilities

Update of the 2020-23 Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy

Last Updated: Jun 25, 2024
Date Published: Apr 22, 2024
Publisher: Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Formats: HTML
Keywords: sustainable development