Open Government Portal

Original Data

Since 1998, the Department of Justice Canada has conducted biennial surveysFootnote1 of lawyers’ and judges’ experiences of family law in …

Last Updated: Jul 9, 2024
Date Published: May 16, 2024
Publisher: Department of Justice Canada
Formats: HTML PDF
Keywords: Canadian family justice system National Family Law Surveys
Similar Data

This report highlights some key findings of the 2018 National Family Law surveys of family law professionals in Canada. The …

Last Updated: May 17, 2023
Date Published: Dec 7, 2021
Publisher: Department of Justice Canada
Formats: HTML PDF
Keywords: Survey Family Law National Family Law Program Justice System

This report describes key findings from Justice Canada’s 2019 national Survey of Lawyers and Quebec Notaries on Family Law and …

Last Updated: Nov 18, 2023
Date Published: Nov 16, 2023
Publisher: Department of Justice Canada
Formats: HTML PDF
Keywords: Family law Family violence Family justice

The objective of this project is to collect and collate research, describe existing methods to include the children’s voices in …

Last Updated: May 17, 2023
Date Published: Feb 2, 2023
Publisher: Department of Justice Canada
Formats: HTML PDF
Keywords: Family justice children Custody and parenting divorce and separation

This report is intended to focus on best practices related to cases making their way through the criminal justice system, …

Last Updated: May 17, 2023
Date Published: Jul 27, 2021
Publisher: Department of Justice Canada
Formats: HTML
Keywords: Divorce Act family law Guide Family Violence Criminal Law

Purpose of the toolkit

This toolkit was developed with input from family law and family violence experts from across Canada. …

Last Updated: Nov 18, 2023
Date Published: Jan 13, 2022
Publisher: Department of Justice Canada
Formats: HTML PDF
Keywords: child abuse child support children custody and parenting divorce and separation family violence family justice spousal support