The Canada Base Map - Transportation (CBMT) web mapping services of the Earth Sciences Sector at Natural Resources Canada, are intended primarily for online mapping application users and developers.
Canada Base Map - Simple
The Canada Base Map - Elevation (CBME) web mapping services of the Earth Sciences Sector at Natural Resources Canada, is intended primarily for online mapping application users and developers.
The Canada Base Map - Transportation (CBMT) web mapping services of the Earth Sciences Sector at Natural Resources Canada, are intended primarily for online mapping application users and developers.
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Web Mercator Maps
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World Imagery provides one meter or better satellite and aerial imagery in many parts of the world and lower resolution satellite imagery worldwide.
This map presents the Natural Earth physical map at 1.24km per pixel for the world and 500m for the coterminous United States.
This map portrays surface elevation as shaded relief. This map is used as a basemap layer to add shaded relief to other GIS maps, such as the ArcGIS Online World Street Map.
This worldwide street map presents highway-level data for the world.
This map is designed to be used as a base map by GIS professionals to overlay other thematic layers such as demographics or land cover.
This map is designed to be used as a basemap by GIS professionals and as a reference map by anyone.