Question Period Note: ACOA – Hurricane Fiona Recovery Fund
- Reference number:
- 2023-003
- Date received:
- Oct 23, 2023
- Organization:
- Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
- Name of Minister:
- Hutchings, Gudie (Hon.)
- Title of Minister:
- Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
ACOA Update on Hurricane Fiona Recovery Fund
Suggested Response:
• Climate change is impacting people, communities, and our natural environment on which we rely in unprecedented ways.
• The Government of Canada responded quickly to the devastating effects of Hurricane Fiona by establishing the
$300 million Hurricane Fiona Recovery Fund.
• The Fund is coordinated by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), which is working with other federal departments and agencies to address recovery needs.
• Assessing needs and determining the right way to assist impacted communities and businesses takes time. ACOA officials continue to work closely with partners, making every effort to finalize the support to impacted businesses and communities.
• To date, the majority of the funds have been allocated. Other measures have and continue to be announced by their respective federal departments and agencies which include the Department of Oceans and Fisheries, Parks Canada, Indigenous Services Canada, and Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions.
• ACOA has been accepting applications from communities, businesses and industry associations dealing with the devasting impacts of Hurricane Fiona since last November.
• The recently announced support of $9M for climate comfort centres will help communities return to economic and community life more quickly, and prepare for and protect against climate-related disasters.
• The government will continue to be there for Atlantic Canadians in times of need. We also remain committed to working closely with communities and businesses deal with and prepare for the devastating impacts of climate change on extreme weather events.
• The Hurricane Fiona Recovery Fund is intended to fill gaps for those who have exhausted all other sources of financial support, including insurance or other existing federal and provincial support measures, like their respective province’s disaster financial assistance.
• As such, impacted businesses and communities need to hear from their insurance providers and from provincial governments before they can confirm their needs to ACOA. These notices are currently being received, enabling ACOA to finalize the evaluation of applications.
• A number of projects have been approved and have been publicly disclosed. More project approvals and announcements are expected to follow over the coming months.
• There has been significant progress since the government announced the $300 million Hurricane Fiona Recovery Fund to assist those in Atlantic Canada and Quebec who have been most impacted by this storm, with less than $20 million left to allocate to other federal departments.
• The Agency has been accepting applications since November 2022. In total, the Agency has been allocated $110 million as follows:
• Up to $40 million dedicated to shellfish sector projects
• $15 million for the agricultural sector
• Up to $9 million for climate comfort centres in communities impacted by Hurricane Fiona prepare for future disasters
• Remaining funds targeted for other sectors impacted by Hurricane Fiona
• ACOA proactively discloses approved grants and contributions on the Open Government portal.
Port aux Basques, NL suffered tremendous damage, and ACOA is helping its recovery by providing nearly $300K for specialized engineering expertise and consulting services for the rebuilding of lost and damaged infrastructure.
Coastal infrastructure imperative to fishing and tourism across Atlantic Canada was demolished by the force of the storm. Point du Chene wharf in New Brunswick was both a community and economic asset destroyed by the hurricane. It is being rebuilt with $1.3M from ACOA.
• We are committed to working closely with businesses of all sizes, organizations and communities dealing with Hurricane Fiona's devastating impacts. ACOA works closely with provincial governments to ensure our assistance is coordinated and efficient.
• Hurricane Fiona had a devastating impact on many communities across all provinces of Atlantic Canada and some of Quebec, resulting in widespread property damages and power outages. This event is having significant economic repercussions in the region.
• The Government of Canada has been there to help those impacted since immediately following the storm with the Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements (DFAA), deploying Canadian Armed Forces, making it easier for workers unable to work in the aftermath of the storm to apply for EI benefits, waiving fees for those who need to replace vital lost or destroyed documents, including travel documents and citizenship certificates, and matching donations made to the Canadian Red Cross.
• Since the Prime Minister announced the Hurricane Fiona Recovery Fund in the fall, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada announced that $100 million would go toward rebuilding small craft harbours and recovering lost fishing gear. In the Fall Economic Statement, the Government announced an extra $1 billion in anticipation of Hurricane Fiona-related requests from provinces under the Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements.
• At least $30 million has been allocated to Parks Canada, including:
• $11.6 million to support PEI National Park rehabilitation
• $15 million to support Parks Canada administered places on Cape Breton Island
• Approximately $40 million has been allocated to other departments or details are being finalized and will be made public in due course, while an estimated $20 million has yet to be allocated.
• Time has been spent working with appropriate federal departments and agencies as well as provincial governments to address specific recovery needs in Atlantic Canada. These needs vary from province to province, sector to sector, and business to business, and require targeted resources to help with each situation.
• Support provided under the Hurricane Fiona Recovery Fund must be directly related to the impacts or response to Hurricane Fiona; not duplicate other federal, provincial, municipal or not-for-profit support (e.g., Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements); and be linked to the needs of impacted individuals, businesses and communities.
• ACOA support was designed to align with these criteria through extensive consultations with other federal and provincial organizations.
• On February 16, 2023, Treasury Board approved an allocation of $95 million to ACOA to support communities, businesses and industry associations not eligible for other sources of financial support to recover and rebuild from Hurricane Fiona. A further $15 million for the agricultural sector will be sought by ACOA in Supplementary Estimates (B).
• As of June 30, 2023, 18 ACOA projects have been proactively disclosed for a total financial assistance of $7,415,106. Additional approved projects will be proactively disclosed at the end of October. Examples of those projects include:
o 2 projects valued at $297,600 for the Town of Channel-Port aux Basques to hire engineering expertise and consulting services for community infrastructure in order to support rebuilding efforts
o 1 project valued at $708, 456 with Poirier Fish Limited to repair wharf damage
o 1 project valued at $1.395,810 with Pointe-du-Chêne Harbour Authority to restore the Pointe-du-Chêne wharf
Additional Information: