
Reference number:
Date received:
Apr 24, 2024
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Name of Minister:
Miller, Marc (Hon.)
Title of Minister:
Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship


Regularizing the status of undocumented migrants

Suggested Response:

• IRCC is exploring options to regularize those without immigration status. The views and expertise of stakeholders, the academic community, and those with lived experience are being taken into account.
• The outcomes of previous regularization initiatives are also being assessed.
• One such program was the Guardian Angels temporary public policy, put in place during the pandemic, to provide a permanent residence pathway for pending and failed refugee claimants who worked in direct patient care, and their family members.
• Another current program is the Temporary Public Policy for Out-of-Status Construction Workers in the Greater Toronto Area, which recognizes the economic contributions of workers in the construction industry while addressing vulnerabilities associated with their lack of status.

If pressed:
• As of February 27, 2024, 1,065 applicants have been admitted (460 principal applicants and 610 dependents) through the Out of Status Construction Workers public policy. Extensions to this public policy were introduced to double the number of eligible beneficiaries and to extended its duration. The initiative will close either on July 2, 2024, or when 1,000 individuals have been accepted, whichever comes first.
• Over 9,100 individuals, including both principal applicants and family members, obtained permanent residence through the Guardian Angels public policy.


Undocumented Migrants
• An undocumented migrant is an individual who has no authorization to reside and/or work in Canada. The majority become undocumented by falling out-of-status when they cannot meet eligibility criteria for existing immigration programs after lawfully entering Canada, and have overstayed their authorized period of stay. Only a small portion of undocumented migrants are thought to have unlawfully entered, or were trafficked or smuggled into Canada.
• There are no accurate figures representing the number or composition of undocumented immigrants residing in Canada. Estimates suggest that the population could be as high as 500,000 persons.
• Undocumented work situations are known to present higher risks for employer abuse and exploitation due to informal work agreements that make accessing labor protections difficult. Undocumented workers are unlikely to report abuse to authorities for fear of deportation. Marginalization associated with a lack of status makes them vulnerable to exploitation. They often face weaker health and social outcomes, due to their lack of rights and access to services.

Out of Status Construction Workers Public Policy
• This pathway originally took effect on January 2, 2020 and had an admissions cap of 500 principal applicants, plus their family members, to be granted permanent residence. The public policy was renewed on January 3, 2023, doubling the number of eligible beneficiaries under the pilot to up to 1,000 out-of-status construction workers in the GTA, and extending the initiative until January 2, 2024. It was then extended an additional six months. This means that the pilot will close either on July 2, 2024, or when 1,000 individuals have been accepted through this initiative, whichever comes first.
• To qualify for the public policy, foreign nationals must have legally entered Canada as a temporary resident; continuously resided in Canada for at least five years; be currently working without authorization in the construction industry in GTA; and have accumulated, three years full-time work experience within the past five years in construction in the GTA in designated occupations. Applicants must also have a family member living in Canada who is a Citizen or permanent resident, or have a spouse or children in Canada (regardless of immigration status).
• Family members (spouse, partner, dependent child) of the principal applicant can be included in the application, whether they are inside or outside Canada. The principal applicant and family members must not be inadmissible for no other reasons than overstaying their status and working without authorization.
• Individuals who made a refugee claim in Canada and failed refugee claimants are not eligible.
• IRCC is working with the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) to implement this public policy. They work in collaboration with IRCC by identifying eligible applicants and referring completed applications to IRCC.
• Where a removal order exists, it is stayed by the CBSA once the applicant has been determined to meet the conditions of the public policy (at the approval in principle stage). The stay of removal is in effect until a final decision is made on the permanent residence application.
Guardian Angels Public Policy
• In response to media reports and stakeholder interventions that drew attention to a number of pending and failed asylum claimants working in Canada’s health care sector during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government put in place a pathway to permanent residence from December 14, 2020 to August 31, 2021 for these individuals who worked in direct patient care.
• The designated occupations that were included in this special measure were orderlies, nurses, nurses’ aides and patient service associates, assistant orderlies, and certain home support workers who provided direct care to patients.
• Individuals must have met a specific set of criteria to be eligible, including having been authorized to work in Canada and time working in the health-care sector during the pandemic. Individuals must also have met admissibility requirements, including those related to medical and security screening.
• Two temporary public policies were developed – one for refugee claimants wishing to reside outside Quebec, and the other for refugee claimants intending to reside in Quebec. Under the Canada–Quebec Accord, Quebec has sole responsibility for the selection of economic immigrants and resettled refugees destined to the province.
• IRCC worked closely with the CBSA to ensure appropriate security screening measures were completed and to minimize the risk of applicants being removed from Canada while their application was being considered.
• Eligible applicants with a pending claim could have their claim or appeal put on hold at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada until a decision on their permanent residence application was rendered.

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