Question Period Note: Recruitment of Permanent Residents


Reference number:
Date received:
Dec 11, 2023
National Defence
Name of Minister:
Blair, Bill (Hon.)
Title of Minister:
Minister of National Defence


Why is it taking so long to enlist permanent residents into the Canadian Armed Forces?

Suggested Response:

  • Last year, we announced that Permanent Residents are welcome to apply to enroll in the Canadian Armed Forces.
  • Since then, we are pleased that we have received thousands of applications from interested Permanent Residents.
  • The processing of applications is a challenging and time-consuming process, which we are trying to expedite.
  • We are in the process of digitizing, streamlining, and redesigning the recruitment process to ensure each application is processed efficiently.
  • That said, there are important and necessary measures which need to be completed, such as security checks and medical evaluations.
  • As well, the validation of security clearances generally takes longer for Permanent Residents, but we begin the process as soon as possible to reduce delays.
  • Through our variety of recruitment initiatives, we are continuing to work to attract talented Canadians and Permanent Residents for years to come.


Current Programs and Initiatives

  • National Defence implements a broad range of proactive and targeted recruitment programs aimed at increasing the representation of women, visible minorities, and Indigenous Peoples in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). These programs and initiatives include:
    • Operation GENERATION, an ongoing mission to meet employment equity goals, reduce enrolment times, and modernize recruiting activities;
    • The Canadian Armed Forces Indigenous Entry Program, a three-week hands-on experience program for Indigenous Peoples who are considering a career in the CAF;
    • The Indigenous Leadership Opportunity Year (ILOY) provides Indigenous participants with exposure to the CAF military and academic disciplines. Enrolled and paid as Officer Cadets, participants experience university-level educational and leadership opportunities at the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario;
      • It is the only Indigenous program focused on developing potential officers. Participants are enrolled into the Regular Force as Officer Cadets;
    • Multiple six-week paid Primary Reserve Indigenous Summer Programs, which integrate cultural teachings with military training.
      • Participants who successfully complete a program are granted the CAF Army Reserve Basic Military Qualification.
  • Work is also underway to improve the CAF’s employment model and provide flexible career options, such as:
    • component transfers (Regular Force to Primary Reserve and Primary Reserve to Regular Force);
    • flexible or interim work policies; and
    • modernizing the nature of full-time and part-time employment within the CAF.
  • Seamless Canada Initiative: Aims to enable cooperation between National Defence and provinces and territories to help military families relocate more seamlessly between the provinces and territories.
  • Permanent Residents: The Canadian Forces Recruiting Group accepts trained applicants from foreign militaries. These applicants include pilots, logistics officers, infantry officers and other skilled professionals, who may become enrolled in the CAF if they have permanent resident status in Canada.
  • This enables other permanent residents, who meet the same criteria as Canadian citizens to enroll in the CAF as new recruits or officer cadets.
  • The Chief of the Defence Staff signed a document on October 18, 2022, that reinforces existing policy and designates authority to the Commander Military Personnel Command and the Commander Canadian Forces Recruiting Group for the enrolment of a citizen of another country who has permanent resident status under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
  • Naval Experience Program: The Naval Experience Program (NEP) is a recruiting program offered by the Royal Canadian Navy, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents between the age of 16-57.
  • NEP offers Canadians the opportunity to experience Navy as a sailor for a one-year contract and provide them with exposure to a variety of naval trades before deciding if a career in the Navy is the right fit for them.
  • Participants receive the same pay and benefits as any other CAF recruits.
  • After the one-year contract, participants can choose to continue to serve with the RCN, either full-time or part-time, transfer to another element, or leave the RCN.
  • As of 21 August 2023, there are 347 NEP applicants at various stages of the recruiting process. 173 are ready for their Canadian Forces Aptitude Test, and 59 have completed it and are expected to move forward to the competition list.

Additional Information:

Quick Facts

Ongoing Recruitment Initiatives:

  • Targeted engagement with communities across Canada to increase representation of under-represented groups.
  • Programs to increase Indigenous representation.
  • Prioritizing women applicants within all CAF enrolment programs, including at military colleges.
  • Between November 1, 2022, and November 24, 2023, the CAF received 21,472 applications from permanent residents.
    • 77 permanent residents have been enrolled in the CAF as of November 24, 2023.
  • In 2023-2024 (as of October 31, 2023) 4,533 individuals joined the Regular Force and Primary Reserve, 16% of whom were women.
    • 2022-2023 intake: 7,172 individuals.
    • 2021-2022 intake: 8,070 individuals.
  • Indigenous Representation: 2.9% (as of May 2023); goal is 3.5% by 2026.