Question Period Note: Advanced Reconnaissance Plane Purchase


Reference number:
Date received:
Dec 10, 2024
National Defence
Name of Minister:
Blair, Bill (Hon.)
Title of Minister:
Minister of National Defence


Why is this Government buying aircraft to spy on Canadian citizens?

Suggested Response:

  • National Defence is committed to ensuring that the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) have the modern equipment they require to address 21st century challenges.
  • That is why we procured three CE-145C Vigilance aircraft, specialized with integrated advanced intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance equipment.
  • Advanced reconnaissance equipment is critical for mission success through the provision of situational awareness on the ground, which enhances the CAF’s capability to conduct operations around the world.
  • Our third and final aircraft was delivered this past June, and all three aircraft are expected to be operational by Summer 2025.
  • The aircraft will have the capacity to be deployed on short notice and will provide CAF members, on the ground, with better situational awareness.

If pressed on staffing turnover:

  • Since the delivery of the CE-145C Vigilance aircraft, all Sensor Operator positions have been filled, and they continue to gain proficiency on the new platform.
  • We are working diligently to ensure our Aircraft Operators have the training they need to ensure operational success.


Responsible Principals: Assistant Deputy Minister (Materiel), Royal Canadian Air Force, Canadian Special Operations Forces Command

Additional Information:

Quick Facts

  • Project Budget: The approved overall budget for the project is $246.9 million. This funding includes the acquisition of the aircraft and prime mission equipment, modifications to infrastructure, training, and initial in-service support.
  • Aircraft details: The aircraft, known as the CE-145C Vigilance, are based on the Beechcraft King Air 350ER turbo prop platform, and have military-grade advanced sensors, secure communications equipment, and a nose extension designed to accommodate a mission sensor.
    • Aircraft will complement the Canadian Armed Forces Intelligence surveillance reconnaissance capabilities.
  • Timeline: Operational capability of the fleet is anticipated to be in 2025, approximately a year after delivery of aircraft.
  • Location: In February 2021, the Government awarded a contract to modify a pre-existing hangar at 8 Wing Trenton.
    • Construction on the hangar was completed in March 2023.
  • Staffing: Staffing turnover occurred prior to delivery of the new aircraft and transfer of ownership of the aircraft’s new infrastructure. With the receipt of the aircraft, there are regular force generation and training events to increase the aircrew’s proficiency with the new platform. All positions are currently filled.