Question Period Note: Provincial Engagement/First Ministers’ Meetings
- Reference number:
- IGA-2021-QP-00001
- Date received:
- Nov 19, 2021
- Organization:
- Intergovernmental Affairs
- Name of Minister:
- LeBlanc, Dominic (Hon.)
- Title of Minister:
- Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities
Suggested Response:
• We are working collaboratively with provinces and territories on key files that matter to Canadians – from managing the response to COVID-19, to investing in infrastructure and tackling climate change, to improving access to affordable childcare.
• Since the start of the pandemic, the Prime Minister has held 35 calls with Premiers on important issues such as border measures, vaccine rollout and the development of standardized proof of vaccine credentials.
• This unprecedented level of collaboration demonstrates how working with provinces and territories can result in real, tangible outcomes for the benefit of all Canadians.
• The Government remains committed to engaging and working with other orders of government to advance the priorities that matter to our country.
• Strengthening health care systems is a critical issue across the country and an important priority for this Government. That’s why our Government is committed to reducing health system waitlists, supporting the hiring of 7,500 new family doctors, nurses, and nurse practitioners, investing in virtual care, and creating a new Mental Health Transfer for the provinces and territories.
• We will continue to collaborate with the provinces and territories to move forward with more accessible care, shorter wait times, and better health outcomes for Canadians.
The past two years has seen an unprecedented level of federal-provincial-territorial (FPT) engagement due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Government held 34 virtual First Ministers’ Meetings since the start of the pandemic to coordinate governments’ response, including the distribution of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and vaccine rollout. The Government has also worked closely with provincial and territorial counterparts on measures such as border restrictions, vaccine mandates, and the development of a standardized proof of vaccine credentials (PVC) for Canadians travelling abroad.
During the past mandate, the Government also engaged provinces and territories on issues such as reconciliation, infrastructure, broadband services, and early learning and childcare (ELCC). The Government recently concluded nine ELCC agreements with provinces and territories to support the delivery of $10-day childcare for Canadian families, and is continuing to engage with the remaining jurisdictions on this priority.
The Prime Minister spoke with each premier in the days following the election and held a virtual FMM on November 16th focused on COVID response, the rollout of pediatric vaccines, PVC, and border measures. The discussion touched on health care as well. As focus shifts away from COVID-19, other FPT issues are expected to emerge.
In this new mandate, provincial and territorial engagement and collaboration will be essential on issues such as housing, reconciliation, and climate change.
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