Government Travel Expenses

John Baird - Minister until February 2015
Global Affairs Canada
Disclosure Group:
Minister/Ministerial adviser/Ministerial staff/Parliamentary Secretary/Exempt Staff
Keynote speech to the Alberta Enterprise Group in Edmonton; two economic roundtables at the Minister’s Regional Office in Edmonton; Singapore: meeting with the High Commissioner of Canada and staff; with President of the Canada-ASEAN Business Council; with Mr. Lim Boon Heng of Temasek; meeting with representatives of OpenText; bilateral meeting and working lunch with H.E. K. Shanmugan, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister of Law for the Republic of Singapore and with senior officials of the Government of Singapore; meeting with Mr. Claude Morin, Scotiabank Singapore; meeting with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore; H.E. Lee Hsien Loong; Vietnam, meeting with the Consul-General of Canada in Ho Chi Minh City; meeting and reception with over 100 Canadian and local business and culture leaders in Ho Chi Minh City; meeting with the High Commissioner of Canada to Vietnam and meet and greet with Canadian and local staff; bilateral meeting and working lunch with H.E. Pham Binh Minh, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam; attended and spoke at launch event for PVI-SunLife Joint Venture and met with Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Ninh; meeting with members of various civil society groups active in Vietnam; meeting with H.E. Truong Tan Sang, President of Vietnam; meeting with the Archbishop of Hanoi Fr. Nguyen Van Nhon; in Hong Kong, meetings with members of the business community, keynote speech at the Asia Society of Hong Kong, meet and greet with staff and other invitees at official residence of the Consul General of Canada in Hong Kong; Kamloops, economic roundtable with Cathy McLeod, M.P. and 20 members of the Kamloops business community; attended and spoke at Peace Tower flag raising ceremony for local ANAVETS chapter; Calgary, attended meetings with business community and meeting with the Hon. Ken Hughes, Minister of Energy for the Government of Alberta; Banff, attended and spoke at official funding announcement by the Government of Canada for the Banff Centre and met with President of the Centre
Mar 8, 2013 to Mar 18, 2013
Edmonton, Singapore, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Kamloops, Calgary, Banff and Toronto
Reference Number:
Meals and Incidentals$474.30
Other Expenses$0.00
Other Transportation$106.44