Government Travel Expenses

John Baird - Minister until February 2015
Global Affairs Canada
Disclosure Group:
Minister/Ministerial adviser/Ministerial staff/Parliamentary Secretary/Exempt Staff
Attended events as part of Prime Minister Harper’s visit to Israel and the Palestinian Authority, including joint meeting with HE Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel; HE Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority; visit to the Church of the Nativity; Prime Minister Harper’s address to the Knesset. Meetings with HE Riad Malki, Foreign Minister of the Palestinian Authority; HE Ziad Abu Amr, Deputy Prime Minister (Political Affairs) of the Palestinian Authority; HE Yuval Steinitz, Minister of Intelligence, International Relations and Strategic Affairs of Israel; HE Avigdor Lieberman, Foreign Minister of Israel; Isaac Molcho, Israeli Negotiator for the Peace Process; Michael Oren, Professor, IDC Herzliya, Attended the International Conference on Syria in Montreux, Switzerland. Bilateral meeting with HE Holger K. Nielsen, Foreign Minister of Denmark. Attended World Economic Forum, including: High Level Nutrition Breakfast Session; bilateral meeting with HE Nabil Fahmy, Foreign Minister of Egypt; the Rt Hon Gordon Brown, UN Special Envoy for Global Education; Investing in Girl Empowerment lunch with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon; panellist in a session on Arctic issues; participated at event hosted by Center for Global Health and Diplomacy; bilateral meeting with Peter Maurer, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross; bilateral meeting with Baroness Valerie Amos, Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator for the United Nations; co-hosted with Minister Ed Fast a Canadian Business Leaders Roundtable; co-hosted with Minister Fast and Ambassador Jennifer MacIntyre the official Canadian reception; bilateral meeting with Hon. Eric Cantor, US House of Representatives Majority Leader; met with Israeli and Palestinian members of the Breaking the Impasse Initiative; meeting with Canada’s Ambassador to the UN in Geneva Elissa Golberg; panellist on session on Digital Diplomacy; bilateral meeting with HE Laurent Lamothe, Prime Minister of Haiti; meeting with Mark Wiseman, President and CEO of the CPP Investment Board; meeting with Robert Greenhill of the World Economic Forum; Meeting with Helen Clark, Administrator of the United Nations Development Program; meeting with Kenneth Roth, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch. Bilateral visit to Vaduz, Liechtenstein and meetings with HE Aurelia Frick, Foreign Minister; HE Adrian Hasler, Prime Minister; and HSH Prince Alois of Liechtenstein.
Jan 17, 2014 to Jan 27, 2014
Israel and Switzerland
Reference Number:
Meals and Incidentals$967.89
Other Expenses$0.00
Other Transportation$23.00