Grants and Contributions
About this information
In June 2016, as part of the Open Government Action Plan, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) committed to increasing the transparency and usefulness of grants and contribution data and subsequently launched the Guidelines on the Reporting of Grants and Contributions Awards, effective April 1, 2018.
The rules and principles governing government grants and contributions are outlined in the Treasury Board Policy on Transfer Payments. Transfer payments are transfers of money, goods, services or assets made from an appropriation to individuals, organizations or other levels of government, without the federal government directly receiving goods or services in return, but which may require the recipient to provide a report or other information subsequent to receiving payment. These expenditures are reported in the Public Accounts of Canada. The major types of transfer payments are grants, contributions and \'other transfer payments\'.
Included in this category, but not to be reported under proactive disclosure of awards, are (1) transfers to other levels of government such as Equalization payments as well as Canada Health and Social Transfer payments. (2) Grants and contributions reallocated or otherwise redistributed by the recipient to third parties; and (3) information that would normally be withheld under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.
Apr 1, 2025
Not-for-profit organization or charity
Hope Blooms: Youth-led Agro-educational Centres
This project aims to create employment opportunities for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) community members, helping to disrupt the cycle of poverty and increase economic activity; promote urban and rural sustainable agriculture practices, and provide education to BIPOC youth about the importance of regenerative organic farming; as well as empower BIPOC youth by allowing them to lead and grow a project that will educate others nationally, and help food insecure communities in Nova Scotia.
Apr 1, 2025
36th and 37th Annual St. John's International Women's Film Festival & 20th and 21st Annual Films on the Go
Canada Arts Presentation Fund - Programming Support
Apr 1, 2025
36th and 37th Annual St. John's International Women's Film Festival & 20th and 21st Annual Films on the Go
Canada Arts Presentation Fund - Programming Support
Jan 6, 2025
Not-for-profit organization or charity
BRIDGING THE SDG GAP: Governance, Awareness & Partnerships
The objective of the SDG Funding Program is to support sustainable development projects that:.• Support the development and utilization of effective approaches to address sustainable development and the social, economic and environmental issues and challenges;.• Develop, exchange and apply knowledge, tools and resources that address sustainable development needs of individuals, families and communities;.• Foster partnerships and networks to address sustainable development and the existing and emerging social, economic and environmental issues;.• Recognize and support the ability of organizations to identify and address sustainable development priorities; .• Recognize and promote engagement initiatives at the international, national, subnational, and/or local level that mobilize assets and develop capacities and resources for action; and/or.• Foster Indigenous traditional knowledge on sustainable development..
Jan 2, 2025
Not-for-profit organization or charity
Identifying Culturally Appropriate Care Facilities for 2SLGBTQIA+ Older Adults in BC
This will be achieved by conducting outreach and trainings with British Columbia’s Health Authorities to help them understand the challenges and needs of 2SLGBTQIA+ older adults, and create safer, culturally appropriate spaces and services.
Jan 1, 2025
Not-for-profit organization or charity
Employment ACCESS
Through this 27-month project, the AIDS Committee of Toronto will address the needs and barriers to equality for 2SLGBTQI+ communities.
Jan 1, 2025
Not-for-profit organization or charity
The Proud Community Project
This will be accomplished through dialogue and education outreach, to address growing division between generational values, while fostering safety, acceptance, and joy for members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community living in Stratford and Perth County.
Dec 24, 2024
Not-for-profit organization or charity
UN Women Institutional Support 2024-2027
7464302 P014477001
This grant represents Canada’s long-term institutional support to the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women). Canada’s core funding is used to support UN Women’s triple mandate of support for gender equality norms and standards; UN System coordination and operational work. Canada's support to UN Women helps to advance Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy as well as Canada’s international efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Working for the empowerment and rights of women and girls globally, UN Women’s main roles are: to support inter-governmental bodies, such as the Commission on the Status of Women, in their formulation of policies, global standards and norms; to assist Member States in implementing these standards through its operational work by providing technical and financial support to countries that request it and to forge effective partnerships with civil society; and to lead and coordinate the UN system’s work on gender equality, as well as promote accountability, through regular monitoring of system-wide progress.
Dec 24, 2024
Not-for-profit organization or charity
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention in Belize and Suriname
7464390 P014358001
The project will help lower rates of adolescent pregnancy, and allow girls and young women in Belize and Suriname to realize their sexual and reproductive health and rights. The project will have positive impacts on adolescents and young people across both countries, but will focus on indigenous and tribal adolescent girls and young women in select regions of Belize and Suriname. The project will do this by making clinics more adolescent-friendly and culturally appropriate; increasing access to contraceptives; implementing an out-of-school comprehensive sexuality education curriculum to reach indigenous and tribal adolescents in their communities; creating and using culturally appropriate educational materials; and gathering and using data to help policymakers make informed decisions about advancing adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights, particularly for indigenous and tribal groups.
Dec 24, 2024
For-profit organization
Establish the first Canadian lupin processing facility