National Action Plan on Open Government Commitment
C01.1.1 - Climate Change and Sustainable Growth
- Commitment:
- Climate Change and Sustainable Growth
- Milestone:
- Through the Open Science and Data Platform make information related to cumulative effects, including climate change and sustainable growth, easier for people in Canada to find and understand
- Indicator:
- C01.1.1 - Add content and features to the Open Science and Data Platform, using user engagement and feedback, both internal and external to government to set priorities for additions
- Lead Organization:
- Natural Resources Canada
- Deadline:
- By 2023
- Summit for Democracy:
- No
The Open Science and Data Platform’s (OSDP) most recent update was publicly launched on December 4, 2024, and included enhancements based on user feedback collected over the past year through the User Needs Assessment and User Experience Hackathon (which collected feedback from 55 OSDP users who participated in these assessments). For example, the update included changes to the homepage to better highlight types of content accessible through the platform, a separate landing page for content collections, enhanced filters to help refine search results, an interactive site map to support navigation of the platform , the addition of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to the About OSDP page, as well as a page summarizing all Content Contributors with direct links to their respective content. New content in this update included recent scientific publications from Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada. Additionally, in collaboration with colleagues at Environment and Climate Change Canada, we published a new curated content collection focused on the Salish Sea (west coast) region containing geospatial datasets, publications from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and links to several external resources to support understanding of cumulative effects in the Salish Sea ecosystem.
Over the course of the 5th NAP period from 2022-2024 (January 1, 2022-December 31, 2024), the OSDP onboarded 30,705 unique content records, including: 3,460 geospatial datasets from federal, provincial, and territorial governments; 17,984 scientific federal government publications; locations and monitoring data from 105 air and water quality monitoring stations; 9,106 development activity records from regulatory registries; and 50 curated content collections. The OSDP’s choice and prioritization of new content has been driven largely by user feedback and internal efforts to identify content gaps.
New Salish Sea content collection
New Terrestrial Cumulative Effects Initiative Publications content collection
Enhanced Homepage
Enhanced Filters
Content Collections landing page
OSDP Content contributors page
New site map
New Environment and Climate Change Canada publications
New Health Canada publications
All content onboarded from January 2022-December 2024
Key challenges continue to revolve around prioritization of effort between content onboarding, technical enhancements to improve functionality of the Platform and engagement and outreach efforts, all of which are equally important. It has also been a challenge to find the right balance between supporting existing priorities and adapting to new priorities (e.g., climate change, clean growth, regulatory efficiency) in an evolving landscape that requires proactive and strategic planning across diverse OSDP delivery teams.
The OSDP teams have been busy working toward the next update of the platform, Release 9.1, scheduled for early December 2024. This update includes enhancements based on user feedback collected over the past year through our User Needs Assessment and User Experience Hackathon. For example, the update features changes to the homepage to better highlight types of content accessible through the platform, a separate landing page for content collections, enhanced filters to help refine search results, and an interactive site map to support navigation of the platform. The update also includes new content, such as recently published scientific publications from Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada, and a new Salish Sea (British Columbia) curated content collection with publications from Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Key challenges continue to revolve around prioritization of content onboarding, technical efforts to make enhancements related to the functionality of the Platform, and engagement and outreach efforts, all of which are equally important. It is also a challenge to find the right balance between supporting existing priorities and adapting to new priorities (e.g., climate change, clean growth, regulatory efficiency) in an evolving landscape that requires proactive and strategic planning across diverse teams involved in the OSDP.
Release 8B of the Open Science and Data Platform went live in May 2024 and included a variety of new content including non-geospatial datasets from provincial and territorial governments, and new scientific publications from Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada. Other updates included several enhancements to improve user experience, including enhancements to the explore page, the keyword search function, and the curated content collections.
In response to user feedback, we have enhanced the Terrestrial Cumulative Effects Initiative (TCEI) content collections to include new geospatial datasets and scientific publications in support of Indigenous-led cumulative effects projects under the initiative of the same name. These content additions were informed by engagement with Indigenous partners to the TCEI in collaboration with Environment and Climate Change Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada to ensure inclusion of key topic areas including but not limited to freshwater, fish and fish habitat, species at risk. A new curated content collection was created based on user feedback in support of cumulative effects considerations in the marine environment with the addition of Canada Marine Planning Atlas content focused on the Atlantic and Pacific regions respectively. This work was completed in collaboration with Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the collections include federal datasets which are included in the Marine Planning Atlas tool in response to user feedback regarding wanting to map these datasets alongside other related geospatial datasets within OSDP.
. As mentioned in the previous quarter’s progress report, several enhancements to user experience of the Platform were informed by a User Needs Assessment, an engagement exercise designed to understand the content and technical needs of potential OSDP users in the fields of impact assessment and cumulative effects assessment involved interviews with individuals from across the federal government, private sector and industry, Indigenous organizations, academia, and non-government organizations. Feedback was analyzed and actioned to inform tangible improvements to the OSDP including new overall look and feel of the explore page (i.e., improvements to keyword and map based searches ), clarity on certain functions of the map viewer (e.g., clear instructions on how to “search this area” and “retrieve mapped records”), and improved metadata fields (e.g., “contributor updated” to signal when a record was most recently updated at its source). Other improvements still to come will include UX design enhancements to the homepage to ensure users can better navigate the Platform from the landing page, enhancements to filters to improve search function, and improvements to the help features, like FAQs to improve guidance materials and information to support new users of the Platform.
Links to include:
Newly onboarded publications from Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Newly onboarded publications from Environment and Climate Change Canada
Enhanced Terrestrial Cumulative Effects Initiative Content Collections
DFO Marine Planning Atlas Content Collections
OSDP Explore page new look and feel
Planning for the next update of the Open Science and Data Platform, also known as “Release 8 Part 2” has been the focus of this past quarter as the teams continue to identify and onboard new content relative to cumulative effects. Release 8 Part 2 is scheduled for public launch in May and will include a variety of new content including non-geospatial datasets from provincial and territorial governments, and new scientific publications from Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada. Other updates to improve user experience include enhancements to the explore page, the keyword search function, and the curated content collections. Details of new content additions including numbers of new records and specific user experience enhancements will be reported in the following quarterly update after the public launch of Release 8 Part 2.
The Q3 update cycle (Release 8) of the Open Science and Data Platform included a total of 947 new content records onboarded including 551 scientific publications, 337 regulatory records, 49 datasets, and 10 total content collections onboarded to the platform between October and November. Examples of newly onboarded content include scientific publications from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) such as A Critical Review of Bioaccumulation and Biotransformation of Organic Chemicals in Birds, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) such as A framework to support the identification of critical habitat for wide-ranging species at risk under climate change, and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) such as A path toward better data consolidation and global co-operation of radiation research. Environmental monitoring reports from the CNSC were also onboarded, such as the Cluff Lake Project. For further details on specific numbers of recently onboarded content, please contact the OSDP team at Examples of newly onboarded geospatial datasets include Cumulative human impact maps for the Bay of Fundy from Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), and Lands, Ecosystems, and Conservation Unit Boundaries from the Government of Alberta.
The fall update also included new curated content collections in regions of interest, including the Abitibi Region in Ontario and Quebec to support understanding of cumulative effects in the region (composed of 8 watershed sub-collections), and the Atlantic offshore region in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador to support the Regional Assessments of Offshore Wind Development. The offshore wind content collection was completed in collaboration with the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada.
In the interest of transparency and in response to suggestions made by the Multi-Stakeholder Forum, past user feedback survey results are now accessible via the About OSDP page. The About page features important context on where information on the Platform comes from, what sets it apart, and how it relates to Open Government with a link to the Open Government Partnership site and the 2022-2024 National Action Plan.
Work is also underway to update the content collections created to support the Terrestrial Cumulative Effects Initiative: Resources to Understand Cumulative Effects in Western Canada for the next update of the Platform. Updating these collections will be informed by engagement ECCC had with Indigenous groups who are involved in TCEI projects.
About OSDP page
All recently added CNSC content: CNSC Environmental Monitoring Reports and publications (all new)
Example of recently added CNSC publication: A framework to support the identification of critical habitat for wide-ranging species at risk under climate change
Example of recently added CNSC environmental monitoring report: Cluff Lake Project
Example of recently added ECCC publication: A Critical Review of Bioaccumulation and Biotransformation of Organic Chemical in Birds
Example of recently added NRCan publication: A framework to support the identification of critical habitat for wide-ranging species at risk under climate change
Abitibi content collection: Resources to Understand Cumulative Effects in the Abitibi Region
Atlantic Offshore Wind content collection: Resources to Understand Potential Cumulative Effects of Offshore Wind Development in Atlantic Canada
Example of recently added federal data (DFO): Cumulative human impact maps for the Bay of Fundy
Example of recently added provincial data (Alberta): Lands, Ecosystems, and Conservation Unit Boundaries
OSDP email:
Planning for the next update of the Open Science and Data Platform, also known as “Release 8” has been the focus of this past quarter as the teams continue to identify ways to onboard cumulative effects relevant content to OSDP. Release 8 Part 1 is scheduled for public launch in November and will include a variety of new content including scientific publications and environmental monitoring reports from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan).
Release 8 will also include new curated content collections in regions of interest, including the Abitibi Region in Ontario and Quebec to support understanding of cumulative effects in the region, and the regionAtlantic offshore region in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador to support the Regional Assessments of Offshore Wind Development. The offshore wind content collection was completed in collaboration with the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada.
Planning for the next update of the Open Science and Data Platform, also known as “Release 8” has been the focus of this past quarter as the teams continue to identify ways to onboard cumulative effects relevant content to OSDP. Release 8 is scheduled for public launch in 2024 and will include a variety of new content including scientific publications from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), federal data from the NRCan and datasets from the Government of Northwest Territories. Progress has also been made behind the scenes exploring considerations for onboarding non-government content, e.g., from industry, environmental non-government organizations (ENGOs) and Indigenous peoples, including Indigenous data sovereignty principles such as OCAP® (ownership, control, access, and possession).
Data gaps and availability, as well as lack of detail in certain metadata records can present challenges. Resource limitations can also hinder progress on key indicators.
The Open Science and Data Platform (OSDP) was officially renewed for another five years through 2023-2028, and thus planning for the next five years began this quarter. A planning retreat was hosted in Ottawa in February where teams and co-leads collaborated and began creating roadmaps to plan for enhancement and optimized delivery of the OSDP through this next five-year phase.
Release 7 of OSDP was officially launched January 24, 2023. This release included a variety of new content including the new “Resources to Understand Cumulative Effects in Northern Ontario” content collection focused on data relevant to the watersheds surrounding the Regional Assessment in the Ring of Fire Area in Northern Ontario.
New Provincial/Territorial geospatial datasets were also onboarded from Saskatchewan (368), Manitoba (118), and Newfoundland and Labrador (7).
Newly onboarded curated scientific publications content includes Transport Canada’s open-access publications, including the Cumulative Effects of Marine Shipping Framework.
The onboarding of Canada Energy Regulator (CER) pipeline registry known as BERDI (Biophysical Economic and Regulatory Development Information) is now the fifth regulatory registry integrated within OSDP, alongside the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada Registry, Fisheries Act Registry, Transport Canada Registry, and the British Columbia Major Projects Inventory.
Work focused on planning future content additions is ongoing, including the exploration of non-government information and data, and Indigenous Knowledge and data.
Data gaps and availability, as well as lack of detail in certain metadata records are common and can present challenges. Resource limitations can also be a factor related to progress on key indicators.
1.1.1 Preparation for Release 7 of the Open Science and Data Platform continued through last quarter with a focus of ensuring all new content that was ready for public launch of Release 7 January 17, 2023. This involved a heavy focus on user acceptance testing (UAT) in the OSDP testing or “staging” environment to ensure all content was functioning and displaying properly. New content planned for Release 7 includes a new content collection entitled “Resources to Understand Cumulative Effects in Northern Ontario”, focused on data relevant to the watersheds surrounding the Regional Assessment in the Ring of Fire Area in Northern Ontario, new geospatial datasets from Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Newfoundland and Labrador, and new scientific publications from Transport Canada including the Cumulative Effects of Marine Shipping Framework.
Since January 2022, a significant number of content and features have been added to the Open Science and Data Platform guided by feedback and user engagement. The Platform’s catalogue continued to grow, reaching over 125,000 scientific publications and nearing 5,000 datasets through collaborations with federal, provincial and territorial government providers. Additionally, the Open Science and Data Platform’s team collaborated with the Terrestrial Cumulative Effects Initiative to create content collections available through the Platform as of April 2022 in order to highlight data relevant to regions of interest at the watershed level, and to support Indigenous partners' research and projects. Features were added to enhance user experience and use of the Platform, including advanced search via the Navigation Tips page in April 2022 to help users navigate the platform’s features more easily. The What’s New gallery was created to showcase newly onboarded data and articles of interest which was launched in May 2022 and continues to be updated on a bi-monthly basis with newly onboarded content. The Platform’s team continues to collaborate with a wide range of partners to obtain advice and feedback, which included a Government Advisory Working Group on the Platform, Indigenous organizations, academia, non-government environmental organizations and members from industry. A survey was made available through the Platform throughout March and April 2022 to guide future enhancements and user experience of the Platform. Extensive social media campaigns generated significant interest, with over 144,000 views for the period of November 2021 to January 2022, and 132,000 views for the period of May-September 2022, which helped encourage use of the Platform as a key tool to support the sharing of scientific information and data to support open government goals.
New content added in this reporting period included federal and provincial data, for example, from Transport Canada (Cumulative Effects of Marine Shipping), Environment and Climate Change Canada (Great Lakes Nearshore Waters Assessment), and Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. The content collection entitled “Resources to Understand Cumulative Effects in Western Canada”, which was created to support understanding of cumulative effects in the watersheds of interest to the Terrestrial Cumulative Effects Initiative, was featured in the What’s New Gallery in July 2022 and on social media through a short datasets demonstration video. In September 2022, a video tutorial was added to the Navigation Tips page, as per a set of recommendations from a user engagement session with graduate students at Dalhousie University’s School of Resource and Environmental Studies held in November 2021. The video offers a high-level tour of the Open Science and Data Platform’s key features including the keyword search and map viewer functions. Future content planning that occurred in this quarter included the onboarding of more provincial data (from Saskatchewan and Newfoundland and Labrador) into the platform’s testing environment. Planning also began for a second regional content collection focused on the watershed regions surrounding the Ring of Fire in Northern Ontario