Annual Report on Travel, Hospitality and Conference Expenditures

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2023 - 2024

As required by the Treasury Board Directive on Travel, Hospitality, Conference and Event Expenditures, this report provides information on travel, hospitality and conference expenditures for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024.

Travel, hospitality and conference expenditures incurred by a federal department or agency relate to activities that support the department or agency’s mandate and the government’s priorities.


The Department supports the sector from the farmer to the consumer, from the farm to global markets, through all phases of producing, processing and marketing of farm, food and agri-based products. Agriculture is a shared jurisdiction in Canada, and the Department works closely with provincial and territorial governments to develop and deliver policies, programs and services.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Travel, Hospitality and Conference Expenditures for Year ending March 31, 2024

Travel, Hospitality and Conference Expenditures

Expenditure category

Expenditures for year ended March 31, 2024 ($ thousands)

Expenditures for year ended March 31, 2023 ($ thousands)

Variance ($ thousands)


Operational activities




Key stakeholders




Internal governance












A. Total travel




B. Hospitality




C. Conference fees




Total [A+B+C]




International travel by minister and minister's staff (included in travel)




Explanation of significant variances compared with previous fiscal year

Total travel:

Compared to fiscal year 2022-23, departmental travel expenditures in 2023-24 increased by $996 thousand, due to inflation and an increase of in-person training sessions and conferences, as virtual attendance options have become less available. However, the Department continues to make efforts to reduce travel. As such, travel volume is down 45% compared to pre-pandemic, i.e. 2019-20.


Compared to fiscal year 2022-23, departmental hospitality expenditures varied only marginally in 2023-24, with a decrease of $3 thousand.

Conference fees:

Compared to fiscal year 2022-23, departmental conference expenditures in 2023-24 increased by $42 thousand. More individuals attended conferences in person, resulting in a slight rise in conference registration and costs.

Minister and minister’s exempt staff - International travel:

The agriculture, agri-food and seafood sector is export reliant. Ministerial outreach aims to strengthen ties with trading partners and promote Canada’s high quality, safe products abroad.
The following events were carried out in order to achieve that goal:
• Agriculture G7 Summit and bilateral meetings (Tokyo/Miyazaki/Singapore, April 2023).
• Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM4C) conference (Washington, May 2023).
• G20 Agricultural Minister’s meeting and bilateral meetings (India, June 2023).
• Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) meeting (Italy, June/July 2023).
• Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting (Seattle, July/August 2023).
• Team Canada mission to Japan, Korea, and Vietnam (Japan/Korea/Vietnam, October/November 2023).
• Travel to Washington, D.C. to meet with United States counterpart (Washington, January 2024).
• Travel to Manila to open the first Indo Pacific Agriculture and Agri-Food Office (IPAAO) and meet with counterparts; travel to Kuala Lumpur to meet with counterparts and promote Canada Brand (Kuala Lumpur/Manila, February 2024).
• Boston Seafood Food show (Boston, March 2024).

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