Question Period Notes

About this information

In accordance with the Access to Information Act, the government proactively publishes the package of question period notes that were prepared by a government institution for the minister and that were in use on the last sitting day in June and December.

The question period notes may be partially or fully redacted in accordance with the legislation; for example, if the notes contain information related to national security or personal information. (Learn more about exemptions and exclusions.)

If you find a question period note of interest, you may make an access to information request in order to obtain it.

Found 11 records
Sep 27, 2023


Organization: Privy Council Office
Minister by name: LeBlanc, Dominic (Hon.)
Minister by title: Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities

Sep 18, 2023


Organization: Privy Council Office
Minister by name: LeBlanc, Dominic (Hon.)
Minister by title: Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities

Apr 27, 2023


Organization: Privy Council Office
Minister by name: LeBlanc, Dominic (Hon.)
Minister by title: Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities

Mar 31, 2023


Organization: Privy Council Office
Minister by name: LeBlanc, Dominic (Hon.)
Minister by title: Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities

Sep 20, 2022


Organization: Privy Council Office
Minister by name: LeBlanc, Dominic (Hon.)
Minister by title: Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities

Jun 8, 2022


Organization: Intergovernmental Affairs
Minister by name: LeBlanc, Dominic (Hon.)
Minister by title: Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs

Feb 8, 2022


Organization: Intergovernmental Affairs
Minister by name: LeBlanc, Dominic (Hon.)
Minister by title: Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs

Nov 26, 2021


Organization: Intergovernmental Affairs
Minister by name: LeBlanc, Dominic (Hon.)
Minister by title: Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities

Nov 19, 2021


Organization: Intergovernmental Affairs
Minister by name: LeBlanc, Dominic (Hon.)
Minister by title: Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities

Nov 19, 2021


Organization: Intergovernmental Affairs
Minister by name: LeBlanc, Dominic (Hon.)
Minister by title: Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities